LA- RE LA- RE LA- If she can swim through yellow seas RE LA- i blame it all on you-uh! LA- you tie your tie around her thigh RE LA- and bow to lick her shoe-uh. DO slither through the mud for the next RE LA- somebody New! LA- I like the shake my butt for work RE LA- nothing wrong with than LA- these tits and ass are going fast RE LA- you'll wanna grab'em off the net DO with the right vip or vp RE LA- you know I'll be wet cause LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star DO LA- be on the covers of the magazines DO RE all in feathers blue so glittery DO LA- to have Tristano say "ti amo, dico amo" DO RE What a pleasure being a rockstar in Italy LA- RE LA- RE LA- make love (okay) make war (okay) RE LA- there's nothing wrong with that LA- I'll sell my pretty face RE LA- to any cause that you see fit DO RE LA- I'd really like to help, just put me in a nice hotel Oooh.. DO RE LA- I'd really like to help, just put me in a nice hotel cause LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star DO LA- be on the covers of the magazines DO RE all in feathers blue so glittery DO LA- to have Tristano say "ti amo, dico amo" DO RE What a pleasure being a rockstar in Italy LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star LA- DO RE LA- I wanna be a radio star DO LA- be on the covers of the magazines DO RE all in feathers blue so glittery DO LA- to have Tristano say "ti amo, dico amo" DO RE hat a pleasure being a rockstar in Italy . LA- RE LA- RE LA- RE LA- RE
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La Legge n. 159 del 22 maggio 1993 ne consente l'uso solo per attività didattica, di studio e di ricerca.
Gli autori potranno richiederne la rimozione in qualsiasi momento.
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